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The heycar 2019 round up

Written By Andrew Brady

heycar team

Five months on from launching in August, heycar has made exciting progress in its mission to achieve greater trust and transparency to the used car industry. Following decades of negative purchasing experiences for both consumers and dealers, we’re proud to have a strong focus on working with trusted dealers to offer quality used cars.

After signing up over 3,000 dealers across the UK, there are now almost 175,000 vehicles listed on the site. Every one of them come with a warranty, are under eight-years-old and have less than 100,000 miles on the clock.

In a bid to make the user experience as simple and satisfying as possible, heycar have implemented an instant car valuation tool, an integrated partnership with motorway.co.uk - enabling customers to sell its vehicles online - and an interactive finance calculator. More recently, the heycar team launched a direct to consumer proposition, with 50 cars available for purchase and delivery directly to the buyer's front door.

The growth of the company has also been reflected in employee numbers, with 22 new hires since launch. We have also nicely settled into our new home in King's Cross, with plenty of open space to encourage collaboration, creativity and business growth.

As with any start-up, getting lots of exposure is key and the team have already received coverage in a range of publishers - both on a local and national scale - including the Mirror, Express and Mail Online.

And with customer feedback so crucial in improving trust in the industry, we are regularly conducting consumer focus group sessions and have learned our customers greatly appreciate the efforts to ensure only quality used cars are featured and value the promise of a warranty with every vehicle.

The marketing team were also very busy going from brief to launch in just 63 days for campaigns across TV, Radio, Out of Home, Search, Social, and PR to increase the brand's exposure.

But it has taken a whole team effort to attract over 3.5 million website views from potential car buyers since August, reflective of the impressive progress made in such a short space of time.

CEO Mat Moakes said: "It's been a brilliant year for heycar. Not only have we launched a brilliant product, but we've built a talented and dedicated team too. I'm really excited for 2020 which will be even bigger!"