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Cars for sale in Howden

This area has 218 dealers

8,598 cars for sale

Land Rover Defender

3.0 D300 SE 110 5dr Auto
8,525 miles



£4,576 off
or £829 mo
40 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £828.63, Customer Deposit: £8,612.00, Total Deposit: £8,612.85, Optional Final Payment: £31,341.97, Total Charge For Credit: £12,366.50, Total Amount Payable: £69,785.50, Representative APR: 10.40%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 5.35%, Excess Mileage Charge: 14.90ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Jaguar I-Pace

294kW EV400 Sport 90kWh 5dr Auto
7,453 miles



£2,490 off
or £835 mo
40 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £834.91, Customer Deposit: £7,558.00, Total Deposit: £7,558.50, Optional Final Payment: £22,420.88, Total Charge For Credit: £9,646.14, Total Amount Payable: £60,036.14, Representative APR: 9.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 5.10%, Excess Mileage Charge: 14.90ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Land Rover Range Rover Sport

3.0 P510e Autobiography 5dr Auto
1,730 miles


or £931 mo
great price
40 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £930.50, Customer Deposit: £11,559.00, Total Deposit: £11,559.00, Optional Final Payment: £49,705.16, Total Charge For Credit: £17,702.16, Total Amount Payable: £94,762.16, Representative APR: 10.40%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 5.35%, Excess Mileage Charge: 14.90ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Jaguar I-Pace

294kW EV400 HSE Black 90kWh 5dr Auto 11kW Charger
18,653 miles


or £536 mo
good price
40 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £535.77, Customer Deposit: £5,289.00, Total Deposit: £5,289.00, Optional Final Payment: £18,518.95, Total Charge For Credit: £7,835.67, Total Amount Payable: £43,095.67, Representative APR: 10.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 5.61%, Excess Mileage Charge: 14.90ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Land Rover Range Rover Sport

3.0 D300 Autobiography 5dr Auto
9,090 miles


or £1,084 mo
great price
40 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £1,083.03, Customer Deposit: £12,205.00, Total Deposit: £12,205.50, Optional Final Payment: £47,284.23, Total Charge For Credit: £17,108.81, Total Amount Payable: £98,478.81, Representative APR: 9.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 5.10%, Excess Mileage Charge: 14.90ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

8425-8442 of 8,598 vehicles