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Kia XCeed cars for sale in Totton and Eling

This area has 190 dealers

21 Kia XCeed cars for sale

Kia XCeed

1.5T GDi ISG 3 5dr
30,207 miles


or £251 mo
good price
15 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 36 months, 35 Monthly Payments: £250.41, Customer Deposit: £2,324.00, Total Deposit: £2,324.85, Optional Final Payment: £7,357.50, Total Charge For Credit: £2,947.70, Total Amount Payable: £18,446.70, Representative APR: 9.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 7.46%, Excess Mileage Charge: 12.00ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Kia XCeed

1.5T GDi ISG 3 5dr
4,250 miles


or £396 mo
7 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £395.34, Customer Deposit: £3,300.00, Total Deposit: £3,300.00, Optional Final Payment: £9,929.70, Total Charge For Credit: £5,461.94, Total Amount Payable: £27,461.94, Representative APR: 12.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 6.64%, Excess Mileage Charge: 9.00ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Kia XCeed

1.5T GDi ISG 4 5dr
42,583 miles


or £285 mo

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £284.79, Customer Deposit: £2,512.00, Total Deposit: £2,512.50, Optional Final Payment: £8,267.31, Total Charge For Credit: £4,282.25, Total Amount Payable: £21,032.25, Representative APR: 12.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 6.64%, Excess Mileage Charge: 9.00ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Kia XCeed

1.5T GDi ISG 2 5dr
12,340 miles


or £294 mo

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £293.26, Customer Deposit: £2,542.00, Total Deposit: £2,542.50, Optional Final Payment: £8,144.70, Total Charge For Credit: £4,294.56, Total Amount Payable: £21,244.56, Representative APR: 12.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 6.64%, Excess Mileage Charge: 14.90ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

1-18 of 21 vehicles

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