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Peugeot e-2008 cars for sale in Howden

This area has 218 dealers

24 Peugeot e-2008 cars for sale

Peugeot e-2008

100kW GT 50kWh 5dr Auto
12,238 miles


or £279 mo
35 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 36 months, 35 Monthly Payments: £278.72, Customer Deposit: £2,612.00, Total Deposit: £2,612.40, Optional Final Payment: £9,540.00, Total Charge For Credit: £4,491.60, Total Amount Payable: £21,907.60, Representative APR: 12.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 12.90%, Excess Mileage Charge: 12.50ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Peugeot e-2008

100kW GT Premium 50kWh 5dr Auto
16,960 miles



£500 off
or £246 mo
good price
30 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 36 months, 35 Monthly Payments: £245.51, Customer Deposit: £2,468.00, Total Deposit: £2,468.55, Optional Final Payment: £9,383.00, Total Charge For Credit: £3,987.40, Total Amount Payable: £20,444.40, Representative APR: 11.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 11.90%, Excess Mileage Charge: 12.50ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Peugeot e-2008

100kW GT 50kWh 5dr Auto
6,432 miles


or £285 mo
29 miles away

*Representative example: Contract Length: 37 months, 36 Monthly Payments: £284.45, Customer Deposit: £2,519.00, Total Deposit: £2,519.10, Optional Final Payment: £8,730.00, Total Charge For Credit: £4,695.30, Total Amount Payable: £21,489.30, Representative APR: 13.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 13.07%, Excess Mileage Charge: 15.00ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

19-36 of 24 vehicles