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Sell your car in 3 simple steps

Add car details

Once Motorway has valued your car, you can create a car profile from your phone in minutes.

See dealer offers

5,000+ car dealers in Motorway’s network will make offers for your car in a daily online sale.

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We’ll organise collecting your car once you accept an offer. You’ll get paid within 24 hours.

Get a great part exchange deal

Get a great part exchange deal

If you’re looking to part exchange your current car, it’s helpful to have an online valuation before you go to the dealership. This gives you a ballpark figure to help negotiate a better price.

Learn more about part exchange

Value My Car FAQs

Pre-registered cars are effectively surplus stock, sold cheaply to dealers who then register them before selling them on as ‘ex-demo’ or ‘delivery mileage’. Usually, these car will have a handful of miles on the clock and be priced much lower than the official list price. 

If you’re looking for a good price on a used car, you need to make sure that you have an accurate and up-to-date valuation. This will give you the information that you need to make a decision as to whether you’re getting a good deal.

As soon as a new car leaves the showroom, it starts to lose money. This is called depreciation and is why it’s cheaper to buy a nearly-new six-month old car than it is a brand new car. Occasionally external factors - like a slump in consumer spending - can have an effect on car prices which can accelerate or slow the depreciation process.

The best months to buy a used car are generally April and October. These are the months immediately following plate changes and dealers have plenty of stock as a result of part exchanges. This influx of cars means that they’re more likely to offer competitive prices.

An average car will cover between 10,000 and 12,000 miles a year. Anything above this will be considered high mileage. But don’t consider mileage alone, ask how it has been driven. A car that’s covered 25,000 miles a year on the motorway will have had an easy life and, providing it has been well maintained, could be a better bet than an identical, but lower mileage, example that’s been driven in towns and on B-roads, as this is likely to cause more stress on things like the clutch, gearbox and suspension. 

Increase your car’s value in 3 steps

Make it squeaky clean

Polish the paintwork, hoover the interior and fix any minor scratches or damage. And make sure you track down things like spare keys and the parcel shelf.

Promote any extras

If your car’s got fun extras like climate control, an infotainment system or a panoramic sunroof, make sure dealers know. It’ll help to drive a better price.

Get all your paperwork

You’ll need the V5C (logbook), MOT certificate and service history, plus bills for any work you’ve had done. It’ll show that you’re a transparent seller.

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Forget about endless scrolling — heycar is the fastest way to your next quality car. All our vehicles are under ten years old with fewer than 100,000 miles. And they’re all rigorously checked for quality control.

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