Jaguar cars for sale in Argyll and Bute Council

This area has 11 dealers

58 Jaguar Cars for sale

Jaguar I-Pace

294kW EV400 HSE Black 90kWh 5dr Auto 11kW Charger
21,343 miles
or £571 mo
good price

*Representative example: Contract Length: 36 months, 35 Monthly Payments: £570.15, Customer Deposit: £5,204.00, Total Deposit: £5,204.85, Optional Final Payment: £17,599.00, Total Charge For Credit: £8,060.10, Total Amount Payable: £42,759.10, Representative APR: 11.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 11.28%, Excess Mileage Charge: 9.60ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Jaguar I-Pace

294kW EV400 Black 90kWh 5dr Auto [11kW Charger]
23,383 miles
or £552 mo
good price

*Representative example: Contract Length: 36 months, 35 Monthly Payments: £551.53, Customer Deposit: £4,919.00, Total Deposit: £4,919.85, Optional Final Payment: £16,111.00, Total Charge For Credit: £7,535.40, Total Amount Payable: £40,334.40, Representative APR: 11.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 11.28%, Excess Mileage Charge: 9.60ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Jaguar I-Pace

294kW EV400 HSE Black 90kWh 5dr Auto 11kW Charger
8,178 miles
or £626 mo
great price

*Representative example: Contract Length: 36 months, 35 Monthly Payments: £625.33, Customer Deposit: £5,669.00, Total Deposit: £5,669.85, Optional Final Payment: £18,995.00, Total Charge For Credit: £8,752.40, Total Amount Payable: £46,551.40, Representative APR: 11.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 11.29%, Excess Mileage Charge: 9.60ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

Jaguar I-Pace

294kW EV400 Black 90kWh 5dr Auto [11kW Charger]
8,051 miles
or £603 mo
great price

*Representative example: Contract Length: 36 months, 35 Monthly Payments: £602.39, Customer Deposit: £5,459.00, Total Deposit: £5,459.85, Optional Final Payment: £18,282.00, Total Charge For Credit: £8,426.50, Total Amount Payable: £44,825.50, Representative APR: 11.90%, Interest Rate (Fixed): 11.29%, Excess Mileage Charge: 9.60ppm, Mileage Per Annum: 10,000

1-18 of 58 vehicles